Tips for Flawless Hair

  • Avoid heating tools
Heating tools can dry and fry out hair, which leads to split ends and overall damage.
  • Sleep on a silk pillowcase
Silk is softer on your hair, prevents moisture loss and breakage
  • Shampoo and condition with cold water
Hot water might damage and dry your hair, but cold water seals in moisture and shine
  • Don't brush wet hair
Your hair is not strong when wet and brushing it leads to hair breakage
  • Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is really moisturising, so if you have dry hair, apply coconut oil on the ends
  • Don't wash your hair everyday
Washing daily can strip too much of your natural hair oils and dry your hair out
  • Don't use too many hair products
Using products too much might weaken your hair and leave it a mess
  • Use good quality shampoos and conditioners
They have more good benefits for your hair


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