A breath of fresh air
Summer is my favourite season. Not because there's no school, it's because the nature is blooming, sun is out, there is lightning and it's warm outside. To celebrate that and be healthier, me and my bestie stayed in Otepää for 4 days.
It's a small town that doesn't really have many activities or sights, but there's a lot of sports. So most of the time we were walking and every day we got over 20 000 steps. It was just the perfect place to get out of the city and enjoy nature. We climbed in the adventure park, fooled around on the swings, ate cake and ice cream, visited cemeteries, went rowing on the lake. So with those 4 days we travelled through Otepää and did almost everything there.
There was an energy pillar and a stone labyrinth, where you could gain energy. The instructions we found next to the energy pillar can be done anywhere with oak trees.
After following the instructions we actually felt refreshed, energized, it was like a cleanse. We were connected with the nature and talked a lot about the power of nature. Our conversations about the world and life put everything into perspective. We should love our planet and take care of it, not destroy it for money.
Anyways there was also a stone labyrinth to gain energy. It looked pretty cool, although it wasn't really big. So again we followed the instructions. When we reached the center, it started raining... Was that a sign? My bestie bolted, but I kept following the instructions to finish correctly. After that we were in a really bad mood. So... I don't know how to feel about the labyrinth, but I'd suggest to check it out, because it was pretty cool.
It's a small town that doesn't really have many activities or sights, but there's a lot of sports. So most of the time we were walking and every day we got over 20 000 steps. It was just the perfect place to get out of the city and enjoy nature. We climbed in the adventure park, fooled around on the swings, ate cake and ice cream, visited cemeteries, went rowing on the lake. So with those 4 days we travelled through Otepää and did almost everything there.
There was an energy pillar and a stone labyrinth, where you could gain energy. The instructions we found next to the energy pillar can be done anywhere with oak trees.
We also visited an old cemetery which was scary at first, but then
we found it really calming and mysteriously beautiful. Later we had a conversation about our roots and families.
Otepää is a small town in South Estonia and it's a great place to go to escape city life, but it still has everything you need. It was a great place to connect and explore nature. We all need to thank the Mother Earth and stay healthy.
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