My Baby Lips Addiction

I really like lip balms. For a while I had an addiction for collecting and using them. Everything is okay now, but I have bunch of Maybelline Baby Lips lip balms. So why not review them. 

I have 7 Baby Lips currently. 5 from the original collection and 2 from Electro collection. 

Cherry Me (orange-red) was the first one I got. It smells like cherries and has a nice cherry shade. Sooo good... Hydrate (blue-pink) doesn't have any colour,hydrates. Mint Fresh (green-purple) smells like peppermint and leaves lips feeling refreshed, it's the most drying out of all. Peach Kiss (purple-peach) has a soft peach shade, leaves my lips shiny. Intense Care (yellow-orange) softens my lips. Surprisingly Baby Lips lip balms are kind of drying, but I like how they're not super sticky, all of them smell good and their colours are so fun.

These 2 lip balms are a bit more rare. The entire Electro collection is based on neon colours, which is really cool. Oh! Orange! (left) has this citrus-y scent and makes my lips a bit orange-ish. Strike A Rose (right) smells really good and has a neon pink shade. These are perfect if you want to colour your lips, but don't want it to be too bold.

Overall I really like Baby Lips, they're fun and cute.


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