Simple DIY Marble Clay Bowl
I wanted to make something unique and handmade for Christmas presents, so after I had browsed Pinterest for hours, I found cute DIY marble bowls. It seemed the easiest out of other DIY's.
What you need:
What you need:
- Modelling clay
I chose air drying clay, because it's less messier. You can buy many different colours of clay. For the base colour I bought white, other colours I used were blue, pink and black.
- Bowls
Basically this is your choice. I used bowls to get the shape.
- Gloss varnish and a paintbrush
Varnish gives bowls a nice finish.
First take some pieces of different colour clay and roll them into strips. Base colour pieces should be the biggest. Then twist the strips and roll them into one big strip. Make it into a ball and roll it out until it is as thick as you want the bowl to be. After that, cut out a circle or any shape you want and then I'd suggest placing it in a bowl for shape. My clay was supposed to dry in 24 hours, but I didn't have any other bowls to use, so after many hours I gently pulled the clay bowls out to dry. Also in the bowls the clay takes longer to dry.
When the bowls are dry, take out the gloss varnish and a paintbrush. Varnish the entire bowl and let it dry, but also be careful. Also if you want to make the bowls look more expensive, you can paint the edges before varnishing. I used a bronze marker. And that's it. Afterwards my hands were so tired and I ended up making 9 bowls. This project took many hours. These are super cute and practical for presents.
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